AP Past Weeks
Week of 8-3-20 through 8-7-20
No School. Teachers report.
Homework: .
No School. Teachers prep.
Homework: .
Wednesday: (All Classes meet on Canvas)
Students will meet on Zoom where we will discuss platforms to be used and how to navigate my Canvas pages. Students will access a Google Doc on which they will check in for attendance--the following days for attendance will take place as students are given access to the Zoom for the day.
Homework: Familiarize yourself with Canvas and my website.
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will start with a warm-up activity on Zoom while attendance is taken. Students will go into breakout rooms to complete their Canvas Discussion assignment. Then we will come together and discuss. We will then begin discussion of one of the quick and easy ways to deconstruct an argument: SOAPSTone. Students will begin reading "Why Don't We Know Who the Coronavirus Victims Are?" We will read and discuss. Once finished, students will be placed in breakout rooms to complete their SOAPSTone on a Google Doc and upload to Canvas--Due by Friday morning at 8:05am.
Homework: Be sure to complete your SOAPSTone and upload to Canvas by tomorrow morning.
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No AP English Lang today. Finish your "Tell Me About Yourself". Students will complete an Argument Essay response in relation to the Ibram X. Kendi article from yesterday--Due Tuesday of next week on Canvas by 8:05am.
Homework: Finish "About Yourself" video and Argument Essay.
Week of 8-10-20 through 8-14-20
Summer Assignments due on August 27th
Teachers report. Students check-in with 2nd Period teacher at 12:15 p.m.--my students will connect on Zoom. Teachers have office hours from 12:35-2:35. Check your Canvas to see what teachers have to offer.
Homework: Keep an eye on your "To Do" List.
Tuesday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will deconstruct visual rhetoric in the chat while I take attendance. Students will then go over the Gauntlet assignment in which they will deconstruct their essay--check Canvas for instructions. We will then review the 6pt rubric for the Argument essay. Students will give themselves a score and a brief justification, directly on their essay. We will go over turnitin.com and why it is necessary to use it.
Homework: Students will read "How Should One Read a Book?" by Virginia Woolf (Be sure to scroll down on the webpage). Annotate and respond to her use of powerful diction (word choice) and phrases and its affect on you in your understanding of yourself as a reader; have a conversation with the text, with Woolf as you respond in your annotations.
Wednesday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Work on essay revision and "How Should One Read a Book?". Get signed up on turnitin.com. Class ID: 25617206 Enrollment Key: u2rocks
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will pick up their textbooks today. No class will meet. However, continuing revising the Argument essay.
Homework: Be sure to complete your annotations for "How Should One Read a Book?" by Virginia Woolf.
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Read & Annotate "Listening" by Eudora Welty. Print and annotate --the same way as you did for Virginia Woolf's piece on "reading". Prepare for discussion on Tuesday. Finish highlighting and revising your Argument essay by Tuesday and upload to turnitin.com.
Week of 8-17-20 through 8-21-20
Summer Assignments due on August 27th
Teachers report. Students check-in with 2nd Period teacher at 12:15 p.m.--my students will connect on Zoom. Teachers have office hours from 12:35-2:35. Check your Canvas to see what teachers have to offer.
Homework: Keep an eye on your "To Do" List.
Tuesday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will complete a warm-up visual rhetoric analysis in the Chat. We will then move on to discuss completing a peer evaluation for the revised Argument essay. Students will work for 15-20 minutes on peer evaluation on turnitin.com. We will then move on to our discussion of the two articles read last week. Students will complete a group response in breakout rooms in which they will provide the purpose, key strategies by the author to convey that purpose, and the tone used by the author. Students must provide at least one quote as evidence for each.
Homework: Students will read Chapter 1 of EAA (Everything's an Argument) and they will take notes on pages 164-165 for Toulmin's Argument.
Wednesday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Finish work with EEA--Chapter 1 and pages 164-165. Students will then read "Why I Write" by George Orwell from MME (Major Modern Essayists) on page 90.
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will analyze visual rhetoric in the Chat. I will then introduce students to Yo' Momma Vocabulary, which would normally be on Friday, but we will start doing these on Thursday. This week's Yo' Momma Vocab. We will then discuss Orwell's piece "Why I Write". We will build Toulmin's Argument from Orwell's essay in preparation for students completing Toulmin's Argument for homework on Didion's "Why I Write".
Homework: Read Joan Didion's essay "Why I Write" in MME on page 224. Students will complete Toulmin's Argument as a deconstruction of her argument. Students will post their assignment on Canvas. We will also begin forging our rhetorical terms and literary terms to study for the year. Click HERE for list of terms. Terms are due at the end of September.
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Finish work with Joan Didion's essay and Toulmin's Argument. Work on terms. You will also read Octavio Paz's piece "Hygiene and Repression" in MME on page 412 as well as James Baldwin's "Stranger in the Village" in MME on page 138. Answer both questions on page 416 and complete Toulmin's for one of the essays--upload the Paz/Baldwin to Canvas.
Week of 8-24-20 through 8-28-20
Summer Assignments due on August 27th--THIS FRIDAY!
Literary Terms List--due at the end of September--click here
Teachers report. Students check-in with 2nd Period teacher at 12:15 p.m.--my students will connect on Zoom. Teachers have office hours from 12:35-2:35. Check your Canvas to see what teachers have to offer.
Homework: Keep an eye on your "To Do" List.
Tuesday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will discuss Toulmin's argument for Didion--we will develop as a class. We will briefly discuss Octavio Paz and James Baldwin's pieces and what students gleaned from their essays. We will discuss purpose and strategies. Students will then move onto a group activity. We will go over the criteria: click here. Students will be assigned a group and the groups will decide which essay they would like to tackle for their group presentation.
Homework: Students will begin working on their components of their project. Work as a team to incorporate all criteria for the assignment. Presentations due Tuesday of next week.
Wednesday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Students should complete all components of their summer assignment for Friday.
Thursday: (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Period Meet)
Students will analyze some visual rhetoric. We will then complete our Yo' Momma Vocabulary. Students will go into breakout rooms to work on the group project--20 minutes. Students will return to begin discussion of the Great Awakening and Jonathan Edwards--view some clips and hear an audio of Edwards' speech. Print and annotate Edwards' speech: click here. Note the overall Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Note all figurative language, parallelism, use of diction that drives tone, analogies, and antithesis.
Homework: Finish Summer Assignment and upload to Canvas. Continue working on the Group presentation--due Tuesday, September 1st. Here is the link to the SOAPSTone Project Rubric: click here.
Friday: (4th, 5th, & 6th Period Meet)
No Class.
Homework: Finish work with Group presentation. Complete applied practice for Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"--upload assignment to Canvas by Tuesday, September 1st.
Week of 1-3-22 through 1-7-22
Students will work with the AP prompts from the final: synthesis, analysis, and argument. Students will paraphrase each prompt to make sure everyone is understanding the expectations of each prompt. Students will view and deconstruct their own First Choice essay from the final. Students will use the Gauntlet sheet to deconstruct their essay. With time remaining, we will focus particularly on the analysis essay (rhetorical strategy deconstruction). Students will focus on the wording in the 9pt rubric to determine course of action to improve their Question #2 essay.
Homework: Complete work on 2nd and 3rd choice essay by Friday.
Students will read through and assess the Question #2 essays. Students will practice their critical reading and assessment of AP essays using the 6pt rubric. Students will readdress their understanding of rhetorical devices verses strategies. We will discuss key strategies that may have been analyzed. We will read through sample essays and practice scoring them in preparation for revisions due Friday.
Homework: Students will finish assessment of each of their timed writings from the final. Students will revise their 1st Choice essay--due Friday at 9:05am.
Students will tackle the reading and assessing of the Question #3 essays from the final. Students will use the 6pt rubric for the assessment, practicing using the rubric and specific evidence from the essay to connect the score to the rubric.
Homework: Work on essays from the final--all due Friday.
Students will read and assess essays from the Question #1 prompt from the final. Students will again use the 6pt rubric to make connections between the essay content and score on the rubric.
Homework: Finish all essays--just finish handwriting 2nd and 3rd choice essays. For the 1st choice essay, highlight all changes made: one color for all added content, one color for all grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling errors. Bring 2nd and 3rd choice essays to class.
Students will assess each other's 2nd and 3rd choice essays from the final using the 6pt rubric that we discussed this week. We will aim for two assessments of each essay; however, if we only have time for one of each, this will have to do.
Homework: Revise Best Essay from the final, and highlight all changes from the original draft. Upload the essay to Canvas by Tuesday before school starts. Bring original essay to class.
1-10-22 through 1-14-22
We will complete an AP Classroom assignment to work on time management and practice with weak areas of the multiple choice. We will work on a Passage with Documentation--due Tuesday of next week. We will then discuss the Question #2 requirement according to the overview from AP Readers.
Homework: Revise 2nd and 3rd choice essay by Friday. Highlight all changes and upload to Canvas. Revise the best essay by tomorrow. Highlight all changes and upload to Canvas.
Tuesday: (Switch Tuesday and Wednesday)
Students will work in groups of 4. Students will read through a Q #2 passage and deconstruct the prompt and strategies present. Students will discuss how to attack this prompt if they were faced with this on their exam. They will do this for 6 consecutive rotations in preparation for their first Q #2 essay on Thursday.
Homework: Students will work on their essays.
Students will tackle another Passage with Documentation in class. Students will work independently for 10 minutes. Then they will discuss for five minutes. We will also read a quick article and discuss its merits and analyze for strategy. (click here for the article)
Homework: Work on essays from the final--due Friday and Tuesday.
Students will write their first cold Question #2 essay in class.
Homework: Finish essays--Upload both essays to Canvas by tomorrow at 9:30am.
Yo' Momma Friday. Students will complete an Applied Practice with Documentation in class.
Homework: Complete applied practice by Tuesday and upload to Canvas. Monday is a holiday.
1-17-22 through 1-21-22
Of Mice and Men text (click here)
NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Homework: Finish justifications for applied practice passage #9 and upload to Canvas.
Students will read through sample essays for the 2012 Question #2 essay and norm their scoring. Then students will go through each other's essays to determine their accurate score. Two different students will assess and score the essay. If students do not receive the essay back today, they will receive it tomorrow or Thursday when they work on their next Question #2.
Homework: Work on Unit 5 AP Classroom at your own pace--due Sunday, Jan 23 by 5:00pm.
Students will pick up Of Mice and Men.
Homework: Students will continue work with AP Classroom. Read Chapters 1, 2, & 3 in OMAM by Friday.
Students will write their second cold Question #2 essay in class.
Homework: Students will finish reading Chps 1, 2, & 3 in OMAM.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Students will view a clip from OMAM to garner ideas about the text and how the visual may enhance our understanding.
Homework: Complete the entire reading of OMAM. Be ready for a Socratic Seminar on Monday. Prepare topics for discussion and questions to spark discussion.
Week of 1-24-22 through 1-28-22
Students will conduct a Socratic Seminar about OMAM, noting key concepts as the treatment and view of women, treatment and view of mental health, themes of isolation and loneliness, human condition of fear, friendship, and othering. We will also deconstruct biblical allusions, animal archetypes, and Steinbeck's choice of ending.
Homework: None.
Students will read through sample essays for the Question #2 essay and norm their scoring. Then students will go through each other's essays to determine their accurate score. Two different students will assess and score the essay. If students do not receive the essay back today, they will receive it tomorrow or Thursday when they work on their next Question #2.
Homework: None.
Students will conduct a scavenger hunt in which they will answer questions about the time period of the 1920s--a chance at extra credit.
Homework: Students in 4th period will read "Winter Dreams"-make a mental note of style, structure, and subject (content). Read by Friday--be ready to discuss.
Students will write their last Question #2 in class.
Homework: Students will finish reading "Winter Dreams" by tomorrow.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Students will read and discuss "Top 1% of U.S. Earners Now Hold More Wealth Than All of the Middle Class". Note the purpose and key strategies.
Homework: View "The One Percent" on YouTube and note what defines the 1%. Also note how we have income disparity in our country.
Week of 1-31-22 through 2-4-22
Students will finish discussion of the wealth gap by beginning to view "The One Percent" documentary. Note purpose and key strategies and evidence of those strategies.
Homework: Finish viewing the documentary by Wednesday.
Students will read through sample essays for the Question #2 essay and norm their scoring. Then students will go through each other's essays to determine their accurate score. Two different students will assess and score the essay. If students do not receive the essay back today, they will receive it tomorrow or Thursday when they work on their last Question #2.
Homework: Finish viewing the documentary and taking key notes.
Students will return OMAM and pick up Gatsby. We will begin reading and discussing Chapter 1, focusing on Nick Carraway as a reliable narrator. We will discuss the circumstances of his upbringing and connections to the videos we viewed. Discuss elements of "Winter Dreams" and how there is an echo of these concepts in Gatsby.
Homework: Students will finish reading Chapter 1--prepare for discussion.
Students will complete their last Q#2 Rhetorical Analysis essay.
Homework: Students will read Chapter 2.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Discuss key elements of Chapter 2, including some specifics about Nick Carraway as a character.
Homework: Read Chapters 3-4 in Gatsby.
Week of 2-7-22 through 2-11-22
Students will discuss key elements of Chapters 3 & 4. We will analyze Owl Eyes and suspicious aspects of Gatsby's character. We will then complete an applied practice for Chapter 4.
Homework: Read Chapter 5 of Gatsby.
Students will discuss the use of time and weather in Chapter 5 and Fitzgerald's argument. What ideas do you think Fitzgerald reflect about what Gatsby symbolizes in American society or even part of the human condition? Start reading Chapter 6.
Homework: Finish reading Chapter 6 in Gatsby.
Students will discuss how Gatsby reinvented himself. We will then read "How It Feels to be Colored Me" by Zora Neale Hurston and how her perspective may reflect a bit of Mr. Jay Gatsby. We will also discuss how Zora's perspective differs from Jay Gatsby' perspective on the world.
Homework: Students will read Chapter 7--prepare for discussion.
We will then discuss the elements of Chapter 7. Weather becomes a factor again. Also, we have reached fall: how does this reflect Fitzgerald's final thoughts about his argument in the novel?
Homework: Students will read Chapter 8.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Students will complete an in-class applied practice quiz. Discuss key elements of Chapter 8, including following George Wilson's movements through the chapter.
Homework: Finish Gatsby. Complete Unit 6 on AP Classroom.
Week of 2-21-22 through 2-25-22
No School.
Homework: Bring in sources for Question #1 Group prompt.
Students will continue working in their group on the Question #1 Group Generated prompt. Students need to finalize the Writing Situation and Directions wording. Additionally, students should finalize their agreement on the sources picked to supplement prompt. Each group member needs to properly format their source and provide a short italicized blurb that briefly introduces the source--no more than one sentence. Begin watching Gatsby.
Homework: Finish AP Classroom Unit 4-6 Review by Friday morning at 9:15am.
Students will briefly work in their groups on the Question #1 Group Generated prompt. Students will return to viewing Gatsby.
Homework: Complete AP Classroom Unit 4-6 Review by Friday morning at 9:15am.
Students will finish viewing Gatsby. Then all groups will finalize details on their Question #1 Prompt and sources in preparation for guiding their peers through discussion of the prompt and sources.
Homework: Students will finish AP Classrom Unit 4-6 Review by 9:15am tomorrow. Students will prepare to deliver lesson around Question #1 Group prompt.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Students will begin delivering the Question #1 (Synthesis) group prompts. Students should call on their peers to read their Writing Situtation and Writing Directions. Then they will work at tables facilitating discussion of sources for the prompt--students should discuss objectivity, bias, relevance, skewed results of polls, etc. Students should discuss how to use the sources in support or as a counter.
Homework: Read the attached article about Immigrant Success in Education from the Times.
Week of 2-28-22 through 3-4-22
Multiple Choice Monday--10 minutes. Watch Gatsby.
Homework: Read the article from the weekend.
Students will delivery more Question #1 lessons in preparation for Thursday's first cold synthesis.
Homework: Read "The Good Daughter" by Caroline Hwang in preparation for reading Joy Luck Club.
Students will continue lessons on Question #1 Group Generated prompt. Students will return to viewing Gatsby if needed.
Homework: None.
Students will complete an in-class Question #1 prompt.
Homework: Students will read "Why They Excel" by Fox Butterfield in preparation for Joy Luck Club.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Students will finish delivering the Question #1 (Synthesis) group prompts. Pick up Joy Luck Club
Homework: Read chapter 1 "The Joy Luck Club".
Week of 3-7-22 through 3-11-22
Multiple Choice Monday--10 minutes. Students will continue with their Question #1 lessons.
Homework: If you did not read "The Joy Luck Club" over the weekend, complete it by Wednesday.
Students will read through sample essays for the Question #1 prompt and norm their scoring on the 6pt rubric. Then students will go through each other's essays to determine their accurate score. Two different students will assess and score the peer essay. Students will receive the essay back tomorrow.
Homework: Finish the first chapter in Joy Luck Club.
Students will finish lessons on Question #1 Group Generated prompt. Students will turn to Joy Luck Club and unpack the first chapter in the book. We will discuss the parable at the opening of each section of the book. We will discuss some aspects of tradition and the importance of familial obligation, including a sense of honor. What does this mean in American culture?
Homework: Read "Scar" and "The Red Candle" by Friday.
Students will complete an in-class Question #1 prompt.
Homework: Students will finish reading "Scar" and "The Red Candle" in Joy Luck Club.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Students will discuss the importance of "Scar" and "The Red Candle". What values do we pull from each chapter? Discuss purpose and strategy for each chapter.
Homework: Read chapter 1 "The Moon Lady" through "Two Kinds".
Week of 3-14-22 through 3-18-22
Multiple Choice Monday--10 minutes. Students will continue with their Question #1 lessons.
Homework: If you did not read "The Joy Luck Club" over the weekend through "Rules of the Game", complete it by Wednesday.
Students will read through sample essays for the Question #1 prompt and norm their scoring on the 6pt rubric. Then students will go through each other's essays to determine their accurate score. Two different students will assess and score the peer essay. Students will receive the essay back tomorrow. Finish Question #1 lessons.
Homework: Finish the first chapter in Joy Luck Club.
Students will determine purpose and strategies for each chapter in Joy Luck Club thus far: "The Joy Luck Club", "Scar", "The Red Candle", "The Moon Lady", and "Rules of the Game". We will spend some time unpacking "The Moon Lady" and "Rules of the Game".
Homework: Read "The Voice from the Wall" and "Half & Half" by Friday.
Students will complete an in-class Question #1 prompt--last one on paper.
Homework: Students will finish reading in Joy Luck Club.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Students will discuss the importance of "The Moon Lady" and "Rules of the Game". What values do we pull from each chapter? Discuss purpose and strategy for each chapter.
Homework: Read through "Best Quality" in Joy Luck Club.
Week of 3-14-22 through 3-18-22
Multiple Choice Monday--10 minutes. Students will continue with their Question #1 lessons.
Homework: If you did not read "The Joy Luck Club" over the weekend through "Rules of the Game", complete it by Wednesday.
Students will read through sample essays for the Question #1 prompt and norm their scoring on the 6pt rubric. Then students will go through each other's essays to determine their accurate score. Two different students will assess and score the peer essay. Students will receive the essay back tomorrow. Finish Question #1 lessons.
Homework: Finish the first chapter in Joy Luck Club.
Students will determine purpose and strategies for each chapter in Joy Luck Club thus far: "The Joy Luck Club", "Scar", "The Red Candle", "The Moon Lady", and "Rules of the Game". We will spend some time unpacking "The Moon Lady" and "Rules of the Game".
Homework: Read "The Voice from the Wall" and "Half & Half" by Friday.
Students will complete an in-class Question #1 prompt--last one on paper.
Homework: Students will finish reading in Joy Luck Club.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Students will discuss the importance of "The Moon Lady" and "Rules of the Game". What values do we pull from each chapter? Discuss purpose and strategy for each chapter.
Homework: Read through "Best Quality" in Joy Luck Club.
Week of 3-28-22 through 4-1-22
Multiple Choice Monday--10 minutes. Students will continue with their Question #1 lessons.
Homework: If you did not read "The Joy Luck Club" over the weekend through "Rules of the Game", complete it by Wednesday.
Students will read through sample essays for the Question #1 prompt and norm their scoring on the 6pt rubric. Then students will go through each other's essays to determine their accurate score. Two different students will assess and score the peer essay. Students will receive the essay back tomorrow. Finish Question #1 lessons.
Homework: Finish the first chapter in Joy Luck Club.
Students will determine purpose and strategies for each chapter in Joy Luck Club thus far: "The Joy Luck Club", "Scar", "The Red Candle", "The Moon Lady", and "Rules of the Game". We will spend some time unpacking "The Moon Lady" and "Rules of the Game".
Homework: Read "The Voice from the Wall" and "Half & Half" by Friday.
Discuss key elements of "Double Face". Students will determine what Amy Tan, the author, does to create meaning--discuss how these strategies can be applied rhetorically or to literature.
Homework: Students will finish reading in Joy Luck Club.
View Joy Luck Club.
Homework: Finish reading Joy Luck Club.
Week of 4-4-22 through 4-8-22
CAASPP Testing Week--Block Schedule
Monday (Periods 1-3):
CAASPP Testing.
Homework: None.
Tuesday (Periods 4-6):
CAASPP Testing.
Homework: None.
Wednesday (Periods 1-3):
CAASPP Testing.
Homework: Applied practice--complete by Friday.
Thursday (Periods 4-6):
CAASPP Testing.
Homework: Applied practice--complete by Friday.
Friday (Regular Friday Schedule):
Yo' Momma Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Students will go over answers to the applied practice. We will organize all sources for the JLC essay for next Thursday: "Why They Excel", "The Good Daughter", "Immigrant Success in the U.S.", "Education levels of U.S. immigrants are on the rise", and Joy Luck Club.
Homework: Go over all sources for Joy Luck Club.
Week of 4-4-22 through 4-8-22
CAASPP Testing Week--Block Schedule
Monday (Periods 1-3):
CAASPP Testing.
Homework: None.
Tuesday (Periods 4-6):
CAASPP Testing.
Homework: None.
Wednesday (Periods 1-3):
CAASPP Testing.
Homework: Applied practice--complete by Friday.
Thursday (Periods 4-6):
CAASPP Testing.
Homework: Applied practice--complete by Friday.
Friday (Regular Friday Schedule):
Yo' Momma Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Students will go over answers to the applied practice. We will organize all sources for the JLC essay for next Thursday: "Why They Excel", "The Good Daughter", "Immigrant Success in the U.S.", "Education levels of U.S. immigrants are on the rise", and Joy Luck Club.
Homework: Go over all sources for Joy Luck Club.
Week of 4-11-22 through 4-15-22
CAASPP Testing Week--Block Schedule
Multiple Choice Monday. What do you know about AIDS? Students will discuss the development of AIDS as an epidemic in our country. We will view the rise of the LGBTQ movement and discuss. Then we will specifically discuss the narrative formed around the rise of the AIDS epidemic.
Homework: None.
Tuesday (Periods 1-3):
Students will engage in a Fishbowl, discussing Question #3 open argument prompts.
Homework: None.
Wednesday (Periods 4-6):
Students will engage in a Fishbowl, discussing Question #3 open argument prompts.
Homework: Prepare for the JLC essay.
Students will be typing their JLC essay on Google and uploading to Canvas.
Homework: Applied practice--complete by Friday.
Friday (Regular Friday Schedule):
Yo' Momma Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Students will return JLC and pick up Like a Love Story.
Homework: Read Like a Love Story through page 90 and the first intercalary chapter.
Week of 2-14-22 through 2-18-22
No School.
Homework: Finish reading Gatsby through Chapter 9. Finish AP Classroom by tomorrow at 5:00pm.
Students will complete another applied practice, practice. Students will discuss key aspects to Chapter 9. We will discuss another clip for our synthesis essay for Gatsby: click HERE for PBS film clip. Students will discuss at their tables how Gatsby connects with the concept of the wealth gap of today. Students should also find a source of their own to compliment their approach to the Gatsby essay. Here are the sources: CBS Mornings News Clip, Pew Research & Trends in Income and Wealth Inequality, "Top 1% of U.S. Earners Now Hold More Wealth Than All of the Middle Class", The One Percent, PBS clip, Gatsby, and student source.
Homework: Finish AP Classroom Unit 6 by tomorrow.
Students will share their plans to tackle the Gatsby essay for this Thursday. We will discuss the value of each source and how each would support the stance a student takes on the topic. Students will also form groups to work on Question #1 topics for lesson on this type of essay. Students will discuss the development of the "Writing Situation" and the "Writing Directions". Additionally, they will determine which sources they want to use--each student is required to bring a source for which they will be the experts. Create a Google Doc on which all group members may work.
Homework: Organize sources for tomorrow's essay.
Students will type their Gatsby synthesis essay and upload to Canvas.
Homework: Students will find one article, visual graphic, and/or political cartoon that addresses the topic they are discussing for the Question #1 prompts.
Yo' Momma Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Students will return to the Question #1 (Synthesis) groups, where they should make a definitive decision on their topic and draft their Writing Situtation and Writing Directions. Sources needed to be completely decided by Tuesday.
Homework: Bring in sources for Question #1 prompt by Tuesday.
Week of 4-18-22 through 4-22-22
Reading Schedule for Like a Love Story:
Monday, 4/18/22 (Novel: pages 91-175; PDF: 75-140)
Wednesday, 4/20/22 (Novel: pages 176-247; PDF: 140-197)
Friday, 4/22/22 (Novel: pages 248-349; PDF: 197-275)
Monday, 4/25/22 (Novel: pages 350-378; PDF: 275-297)
Wednesday, 4/27/22 (Novel: pages 379-413; PDF: 297-323)
Multiple Choice Monday. Last Fishbowl goes today. Discuss character perspective and characterization and how this impacts our understanding of the issue surrounding AIDS in the late 80's. How does culture play a part? View some clips that help us understand their ignorance and fear that emerged in this era.
Homework: Read Like a Love Story. Check Canvas for reading pages.
Students will complete an in-class applied practice. We will return to Like a Love Story. We will view some clips that provide further insight into battling the fears of the heterosexual community and privilege.
Homework: Finish reading pages in Like a Love Story. Complete Unit 7 in AP Classroom by Sunday.
Students will engage in a Fishbowl, discussing Question #3 open argument prompts.
Homework: Read next set of pages in Like a Love Story.
Students will be writing their first cold Question #3 Open Argument essay in class.
Homework: Applied practice--complete by Sunday.
Friday (Regular Friday Schedule):
Yo' Momma Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Students will discuss key aspects of the story development in Like a Love Story. We will discuss key strategies Nazemian uses to convey the arguments in the story.
Homework: Read Like a Love Story. Finish AP Classroom Unit 7 assignment.
Week of 4-25-22 through 4-29-22
Reading Schedule for Like a Love Story:
Monday, 4/18/22 (Novel: pages 91-175; PDF: 75-140)
Wednesday, 4/20/22 (Novel: pages 176-247; PDF: 140-197)
Friday, 4/22/22 (Novel: pages 248-349; PDF: 197-275)
Monday, 4/25/22 (Novel: pages 350-378; PDF: 275-297)
Wednesday, 4/27/22 (Novel: pages 379-413; PDF: 297-323)
Multiple Choice Monday. View some PSA videos from the late 80s and 90s--what changes do we see? How did the narrative shift? Students will discuss key plot details of the story and more intercalary chapters.
Homework: Read Like a Love Story. Complete Unit 7 on AP Classroom if you have not already. Complete 8 as well.
Students will read through sample essays for the Question #2 essay and norm their scoring. Then students will read through peer essays to determine their accurate score. Two different students will assess and score each essay. Students will receive essays back tomorrow or Thursday to assess their scores.
Homework: Finish reading pages in Like a Love Story. Complete Unit 7 & 8 in AP Classroom by Sunday.
Students will work at their tables on an intercalary chapter to discuss the impactful concepts rhetorically embedded in the text that provide insight into the issue present in the story or to parallel ideas implied or stated directly by the author. 1)Students will determine the purpose/function of the chapter. 2) Students will determine two rhetorical strategies used by the author to convey the purpose. 3) Students will discuss how the chapter parallels or provides further insight into the argument, issue, or plot of Like a Love Story.
Homework: Read last set of pages in Like a Love Story.
Students will be writing their first cold Question #3 Open Argument essay in class.
Homework: Complete Unit 7 & 8 by Sunday.
Friday (Regular Friday Schedule):
Yo' Momma Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Students will wrap up discussion of ideas in Like a Love Story.
Homework: Finish AP Classroom Unit 7 & 8 assignment.
Week of 5-2-22 through 5-6-22
Multiple Choice Monday. Review multiple choice strategies. Discuss best approaches to each essay question type.
Homework: Work on AP Classroom.
Students will read through sample essays for the Question #3 essay and norm their scoring. Then students will read through peer essays to determine their accurate score. Two different students will assess and score each essay. Students will receive essays back tomorrow or Thursday to assess their scores.
Homework: Work on AP Classroom.
Complete a whole multiple choice exam.
Homework: Work on AP Classroom.
Students will be writing their last cold Question #3 Open Argument essay in class.
Homework: Work on AP Classroom.
APUSH EXAM--8:00am check-in.
Homework: Work on AP Classroom.
Week of 5-9-22 through 5-13-22
Review tackling the essays on the AP Exam.
Homework: Work on AP Classroom.
AP Lang Exam.
Homework: None.
Discuss the Social/Political Song Project.
Homework: Work on project.
Students will be working on social/political song.
Homework: Work on project.
Last day to work on Social/Political Song project.
Homework: Work on project.
Week of 5-16-22 through 5-20-22
Last day to work on social/political song.
Homework: Finish work on social/political song.
Deliver Social/Political song lesson.
Homework: None.
Deliver Social/Political Song lesson.
Homework: none.
Deliver Social/Political song lesson.
Homework: none.
Deliver Social/Political Song lesson.
Homework: none.
Week of 5-23-22 through 5-25-22 (Finals Week)
Deliver Social/Political Song lessons.
Homework: None.
Deliver Social/Political song lessons.
Homework: None.
Deliver Social/Political Song lesson.
Homework: Have a great summer!!!
No School.
Homework: none.
No School.
Homework: none.
Week of 1-9-23 through 1-13-23
Students will work with the AP prompts from the final: synthesis, analysis, and argument. Students will paraphrase each prompt to make sure everyone is understanding the expectations of each prompt. Students will view and deconstruct their own First Choice essay from the final. Students will use the Gauntlet sheet to deconstruct their essay. With time remaining, we will focus particularly on the analysis essay (rhetorical strategy deconstruction). Students will focus on the wording in the 9pt rubric to determine course of action to improve their Question #2 essay.
Homework: Complete work on 2nd and 3rd choice essay by Friday.
Students will read through and assess the Question #2 essays. Students will practice their critical reading and assessment of AP essays using the 6pt rubric. Students will readdress their understanding of rhetorical devices verses strategies. We will discuss key strategies that may have been analyzed. We will read through sample essays and practice scoring them in preparation for revisions due Friday.
Homework: Students will finish assessment of each of their timed writings from the final. Students will revise their 1st Choice essay--due Friday at 9:05am.
Students will tackle the reading and assessing of the Question #3 essays from the final. Students will use the 6pt rubric for the assessment, practicing using the rubric and specific evidence from the essay to connect the score to the rubric.
Homework: Work on essays from the final--all due Friday.
Students will read and assess essays from the Question #1 prompt from the final. Students will again use the 6pt rubric to make connections between the essay content and score on the rubric.
Homework: Finish all essays--just finish handwriting 2nd and 3rd choice essays. For the 1st choice essay, highlight all changes made: one color for all added content, one color for all grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling errors. Bring 2nd and 3rd choice essays to class.
Students will assess each other's 2nd and 3rd choice essays from the final using the 6pt rubric that we discussed this week. We will aim for two assessments of each essay; however, if we only have time for one of each, this will have to do.
Homework: Revise Best Essay from the final, and highlight all changes from the original draft. Upload the essay to Canvas by Tuesday before school starts. Bring original essay to class.